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Boise Car Insurance

 Shopping for Boise car insurance? Finding the perfect Boise auto insurance policy can be quick and simple with our free Boise car insurance quote finder!

Enter your zip code to get started comparing your free auto insurance quotes from top companies side by side! It takes just minutes for you to see where the cheapest Boise car insurance rates are.

Get your free quotes and learn what you need to know about Boise car insurance to make you an informed shopper and help you find the policy that is best for you today!

Boise, ID Car Insurance Requirements

In Boise, Idaho you are required to have liability insurance if you drive or own a registered vehicle. The minimum auto insurance liability requirements are:

  • $25,000 bodily injury liability per person
  • $50,000 bodily injury liability per accident
  • $15,000 property damage liability

This coverage will is designed for the medical expenses, injuries and property damage of the other driver and his/her passengers in an accident where you are at fault. This coverage will not pay for your medical expenses or damages to your vehicle.

Additional Boise Auto Insurance Coverage Options

Besides the minimum liability coverage required by law, you may choose to add additional coverage to your Boise auto insurance policy. Some common car insurance coverage includes:

  • Personal Injury Protection: This covers your medical expenses related to an accident, and in some cases lost wages.
  • Collision: This covers damages to your vehicle caused by an accident.
  • Comprehensive: This covers damages to your vehicle not due to an accident, such as fire, theft, or vandalism.
  • Uninsured Motorist: This will provide coverage if you are in an accident where the other driver is at fault and is not insured or does not have the proper insurance coverage.

Boise, ID Car Insurance Rates

No doubt every Boise driver would like to lower their auto insurance rates. In 2005, Idaho was number 49 for state’s with the highest average auto insurance premiums. This goes to show that Boise residents are in a good position to find cheap auto insurance compared to the rest of the nation.

When searching for the right car insurance policy it always helps to be an informed shopper and understanding your Boise auto insurance rates can go a long way to finding the right price for your policy.

The first thing to keep in mind when choosing a car insurance policy is that Boise car insurance companies can set your rates however they choose. Car insurance rates are not fixed by the state or any other regulatory agency. Each car insurance company can factor rates however they choose.

This means that no single Boise car insurance company will be the best choice for everyone. Most likely if you get quotes from five different companies, they will each offer you a different rate. This is why it pays to shop around for your Boise car insurance policy.

Some common factors that most car insurance companies do use to determine your rates include:

  • Gender: Female drivers are statistically more cautious and less risky drivers, which makes them less of a risk to the insurance company.
  • Age: If you are under the age of 25, you are more of a risk to the insurance company primarily because of accident and drunken driving statistics.
  • Marital Status: People who are married tend to have lower insurance rates.
  • Location: People who live in urban areas tend to pay more for car insurance than those in rural areas. This is due to a higher level of auto thefts in urban areas, as well as the higher level of traffic.
  • Vehicle: Vehicles that are more likely to be stolen or have parts that are expensive to repair or replace are more costly to insure.
  • Claims History: If you have a history of making insurance claims it may affect your insurance premiums.
  • Driving Record: If you have multiple violations on your driving record it may negatively affect your rates.
  • Credit Score: A higher credit score can mean lower auto insurance rates, as it shows you are a financially responsible person.

While many of these factors are beyond your control, there are ways for you to lower your Boise, ID auto insurance rates.

Cheap Boise Car Insurance

Here are some tips that you can use to find cheap Boise car insurance.

  • Raise Your Deductible: By choosing a higher deductible you can lower your Boise auto insurance premiums.
  • Look For Discounts: Discounts offered by car insurance companies, like good student and safe driver, can help you lower your rates.
  • Watch Your Credit Score: Having a higher credit score can help you find lower auto insurance rates, so do what you can to raise your credit score.
  • Shop Around: Comparing quotes before you buy is the best way to save money and find the cheapest auto insurance in Boise, Idaho.

Find the Boise Auto Insurance You Need Today!

Get started finding the Boise car insurance coverage you need by shopping around and comparing quotes now with our free Boise auto insurance quote finder!

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